About Us

We manufacture and produce industry-leading magnetic head pulleys.

We Outperform the Rest

Our Pulleys have consistently been proven to out perform our competitors.

Elevated Industry Standards

Metal separation is crucial in the industries we serve. Our magnets are currently at work in the biomass, recycling, forestry, and mining industries.

Customizable Designs for Any Application

We can adapt and customize our core design to fit any application desired.

Our Approach

Innovating excellence with decades of expertise.

With decades of experience in fabricating a superior quality product and concept, we continue to educate ourselves and innovate our products and processes to keep up with the fast pace manufacturing and fabricating culture.

Additional Services

Beyond our flagship product of magnetic pulleys, we also offer commercial powder coating and laser plasma cutting services.

Our Story

LODESTONE FABRICATION, is a family owned and operated business headquartered in Central Michigan.

Billy and Amelia Myler purchased the business, formerly LOR Products, from Duane and Tina Martin in July of 2022 changing the name from LOR to LODESTONE FABRICATION.

Though the name changed, the quality of the product simply has not.